Why you should choose a camping grill
We know these things well at Biltema, and that’s why we have continuously worked to expand our range of portable grills for camping, picnics, and beach trips, or perhaps as a cooking option on the boat?
The most obvious advantages of a camping grill, according to us at Biltema
The camping grill – perfect for nature, picnics and on the beach
When camping and visiting beaches and other natural areas, one of the most important things to remember is not leave your rubbish behind. It has become too easy to “forget something”. And this is something that a camping grill can help with. A camping grill can be reused many times, unlike a disposable grill. So you don’t need to discard a new aluminium disposable grill every time you grill, and you can also take your used coals with you when you leave. This also means no one will accidentally step in discarded coals that you may have buried in the beach sand. Help take care of the many bare toes on the beach.
Husk emballasje og avfall
Husk å ta med deg brukt emballasje når du går, og kast den i nærmeste søppeldunk. Moren din er ikke med på campingturen. Iallfall ikke hver gang.
To sum up: You can use a camping grill in most places and it is convenient and compact. What’s not to like?
Portable fold-up grill – a practical option
A portable grill is a very flexible choice when you are out exploring in the summer. All year round, in fact. Because why only grill in summer? Grilling is a great pastime.
In our range you will find grill that can be folded up into a bag when you have finished grilling. That means you will have more space in your car boot or on the back of your bike. A customer favourite in the range is our tried-and-tested camping grill, which can be opened to provide two grilling surfaces. This gives you more space for your sausages, which means there will be more happy picnickers since there will be enough food on the grill.
We develop our range of grills according to flexibility, quality, comfort, and space saving. These are important elements when you are on holiday and on the go. We know that portable grills with greater flexibility are more in demand than ever before.
Gas or charcoal camping grill?
We know that choosing between gas grills and charcoal grills is a kind of religion for those who love to grill. That religiosity also comes into play when choosing camping grills. So, you will of course also find gas grills in smaller versions at Biltema, along with the charcoal variants.
Small gas grills
As you probably know, the advantage of a gas grill is that it lights and heats up quickly, even out in nature. Just insert the gas bottle and ignite the grill. As you know, coals need a little more time and attention. In any case, you won’t be short of options when getting a gas grill from Biltema.
If you have a balcony, a gas stove, a smaller gas grill, or a portable grill that does not take up as much space will give you good opportunities for cosy grilling in smaller surroundings.
Small charcoal grills
Are you looking for a portable charcoal grill in the shape of the classic kettle grill? It’s a commonly seen grill and a safe bet. But, with a couple of our newest camping grill, we have taken the concept a step further and made the portable charcoal grill more flexible and more compact.

Be aware of the any fire bans in your municipality
Using designated fireplaces and grill areas in nature is usually permitted. If the fire department has issued a fire ban, which includes outdoor fireplaces and grills, then the ban also applies to these places. So be aware of what applies in your municipality.
Husk også de vanlige forholdsreglene for bruk av grill og bål:
- Hold avstand – unngå ild i nærheten av tørre planter og andre ting som kan ta fyr.
- Vær oppmerksom på vindretning og vindstyrke.
- Vær oppmerksom på barn og dyr.
- Vis hensyn, slik at røyken ikke blir til sjenanse for naboer og omgivelser.
- Hold øye med ild og glør, og kontroller at alt er slukket før du forlater stedet.
- Ha vann i nærheten, slik at du raskt kan slukke små branner.
Cook on your boat with gas
One last tip from us at Biltema.
A camping grill also provides great opportunities for cosy cooking on board a boat. As you know, there is a lot of quality time to be gained when sailing. But when you are in port, there is a good opportunity to cook on deck with a camping grill. Gas burners and gas grills must be used in the open air and in calm conditions.
Keep a distance from flammable materials and always keep watch over the fire. An obvious area to place the gas burner can be on the foredeck, and if you are in port, the best place may be on the jetty to which the boat is moored.
Finally, we wish you a great summer with lots of flexible and portable grill options.